‘Homeless’ in this context includes people in temporary accommodation, staying with friends or at risk of being made homeless, as well as those who find themselves sleeping on the street.
We recognise that for many reasons people can find themselves without somewhere to live. It does not mean that they should be excluded from accessing healthcare services or registering with a GP.
We can help document health problems with housing departments, and are used to supporting patients with mental health or drug and alcohol issues
Homeless people often find it hard to engage with health services and to address this we offer same day appointments with professionals with an understanding of the health problems that often arise when a person is homeless. We can help document health problems with housing departments, and are used to supporting patients with mental health or drug and alcohol issues.
If you currently do not have a permanent address for any reason and would like to register with us please contact the surgery.
Are you looking after a patient who is homeless and not registered with a GP? We are able to register patients and offer them urgent appointments for follow up.
We can work closely with other services to ensure the patients gets timely access to healthcare services.
We can also liaise with social care and housing teams in order to support patients in their bid for emergency housing on medical grounds.
We have helped many patients who have been seen in an acute setting who are not registered with a GP surgery. If you feel that one of your patients should be registered please contact the surgery.