Mrs Melissa Gunning, female
Melissa is the practice manager for Town Centre Surgery and urgent treatment centre.
She supports the day to day running of the practice and helps to care for staff and patient issues among her many other tasks.
Miss Faye Walsh, female
Faye is the deputy practice manager for Town Centre Surgery and urgent treatment centre.
She supports the day to day running of the practice and helps to care for staff and patient issues among her many other tasks.
The administration team at Town Centre Surgery and urgent treatment centre are responsible for ensuring the back office work gets done. From referrals to solicitors letters and from prescriptions to requests for support letters. Not to mention a million phone calls in between.
Each piece of information that comes into the practice has to be read, checked for urgency, scanned to each patient record, coded with a variety of codes and a decision taken to see what action needs taking. All of this is done within the same day.
The document is then passed to the GP to review and actioned, this could be a referral, a prescription, an phone call, a home visit, a follow up appointment or many other things. Each member of the team will have a piece of work they lead on but they will all be able to support each other when the service gets really busy.
Miss Parisa Savar, female
Miss Maria Hussain, female
Mrs Nikki Vass, , female
Miss Martyna Kubiak, female
Mrs Jahanara Hoque, female
The reception team are the first people you will always meet and see when you come to the practice. They deal with phone calls, book patients into appointments, respond to emails and telephone queries. They also keep the practice and urgent treatment centre reception areas running smoothly and highlight any concerns to the doctors. They also assist the clinicians with chaperoning.
Unfortunately they also receive a lot of abuse from patients on the phone and face to face. Obviously we do what we can to prevent this unacceptable behaviour by a few patients and we remove patients who are aggressive and violent towards anyone whilst in the practice.
Please help the practice by being kind to our staff as they are there to help you.